📄️ Manage School Profile
After you have logged in as admin, select settings on the sidebar menu. The dropdown will prevent multiple options, select School Profile. Or you can click on school profile from the tab bar.
📄️ Students Management
Version: 1.1
📄️ Manage Staff
1. Accessing the Staff List:
📄️ Manage Fees
The Fees page allows you to manage and view all fees associated with your institution. Here's how to use the various features:
📄️ Manage Classroom
1. Accessing the Classroom Page:
📄️ Manage Transactions
Visualize and manage all your transactions.
📄️ Messaging
📄️ AI Analytics
Harness the power of artificial intelligence to bring your data to live.
📄️ User Registration
📄️ Admin Dashboard
The Admin dashboard gives you a wholistic view of your entire school:
📄️ manage-subjects
📄️ OnBoarding
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